Northern Hyde Park Revisited, Again

The terrain rises rapidly on the streets heading up towards the College Hill neighborhood. Look at the house on the right, carefully restored. Up at the top, open lots await. The infamous old nursing home, shut down for unsanitary conditions, sits as a vacant shell, the graffiti back in full force. But these stately homes…

Jewish Orthodox Old Home, In Transition

Update: The old nursing home has continued to deteriorate as of 2018. Thanks to a tip from a reader, I was alerted to the removal of all of the windows and the painting over of graffiti at the old Jewish Orthodox Old Home. What is happening? I do not know. Perhaps it is being renovated,…

The Jewish Orthodox Old Home

I drive around a lot, and see lots of buildings severely damaged by decades of abandonment and neglect, but every so often I come across a building has been abandoned for only a year or two. In general, there’ll be a few windows missing, but the building will still look occupied on cursory inspection. Sadly,…