In Search of the Sidaway Bridge and John D. Rockefeller, Cleveland

Sometimes I go searching for something and I don’t find it, but the journey becomes interesting (and a little scary) in of itself. In this case, I went looking for the Sidaway Bridge, further up one of the tributaries of the Cuyahoga River, after reading about it online, and besides being fascinated by its structure,…

The Sheep House, Rural Pike County

The owners of this property have moved next door to a modern house, and left the original homestead standing. The sheep, and possibly a few goats in the far background, have now moved in. Down the road is the barn.

Carrollton, Revisited November 2022

I was in the vicinity of the now-demolished neighborhood of Carrollton, so I thought I would swing by and see who things looked. First off, I couldn’t believe I had missed this bowling alley the other times I had come by. Located northwest of Lambert International Airport off Natural Bridge Road, the subdivision’s streets are…

North First Street, Laclede’s Landing

We come up the steep incline and reach North First Street, where the above photograph captures the street in 1968, right before the grand plans for redevelopment had begun. Interestingly, old fashioned street lights had already appeared. Below, on the southwest corner, a plaza that appears to still be incomplete replaced the vacant lot where…

Macy’s Closing at Chesterfield Mall

Back in May of 2020, I had predicted the shuttered Macy’s at Chesterfield Mall would never reopen after it closed at the beginning of the pandemic. It did in fact reopen, but now it is closing again, and reopening in a smaller version in the Chesterfield Valley. I would imagine that the remaining portion of…

Twin Silos

The question arose when we viewed the entrance gateway to this new development: was the name obtained a priori or a posteriori?

The Intersection of St. Louis and Marcus Avenues, July 2022

Update: I revisited the area in the winter of 2023. I decided to check in on the corner of Marcus and St. Louis Avenues, which I first looked at way back in August of 2009. You can actually see the building above in the last photo of that post, and the trim was painted white…

I Know There’s A House in There

Earlier this year I drove down this block of Samuel Shepard Drive east of Compton Avenue and I spotted a house that I knew I had to photograph later. But when I came back last weekend, I couldn’t find it! “I know there’s a house in there,” I said to myself, and after looking more…