Checking In on the Metro East: Venice into Madison

On a lark I decided to see what was happening over in the Metro East, so I headed over the McKinley Bridge and first passed through Venice, Illinois. The first stop is a building that has long been many of my friends’ favorite, with its cool central pavilion, the Venice Recreation Hall. After that is…

Uranium, Venice and Madison, Illinois

Update: Due to reader feedback, this post has been modified to reflect that the majority of the plant and a portion of the neighborhood are in fact in Venice. Portions of the plant and the neighborhood are in Madison. There’s a portion of Venice and Madison, Illinois that’s literally, not figuratively, on the wrong side…

St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Madison, Illinois

Built in 1953, the Church of St. Mary in Madison bears a striking resemblance to the more famous Little Flower Church in Richmond Heights. But the budget doesn’t seem like it was as generous as it similar neighbor to the west. But, it is still a beautiful church, and one that clearly proudly holds onto…

Downtown Madison, Illinois

The first thing one notices about the main street of Madison, Illinois, is the shear breadth of Madison Avenue. It is wide, very wide. So much so that traffic now flows through at a high rate of speed. But surely at one point, the founders of Madison possessed grand plans for their new city, plans…