Frisco Building, November 2016

I sometimes forget about the Frisco Building; it was never abandoned, and thus never gained publicity for a splashy rehabilitation. It just chugs along, probably one of the few historic skyscrapers in downtown that has never gone dark.

Frisco Building

I sometimes forget about the Frisco Building, in favor of the nearby Chemical Building or Arcade Building; in fact, I think this is the first dedicated post for it in six years.  But it is still a very cool skyscraper, with long vertical bands of buff brick with handsome terracotta elements.  It also bears a…

Downtown Vistas

I found some old photos of downtown that I hadn’t posted yet; above is the Bell telephone exchange, which will house a new restaurant in the near future. Above is the Frisco Building, anchoring the southwest corner of the Old Post Office plaza. Below is the northwest corner of Tucker and Washington, with the Bogen…

Old Blog Post

Update: This view of St. Louis is extremely out of date, written from the standpoint of still living on the East Coast. My attitudes have changed dramatically. Downtown St. Louis: Where No St. Louisan Has Gone Before I took the opportunity the Friday before I headed back to DC to do an architectural survey of…