Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard, Laclede’s Landing

Not much is happening down along the Levee anymore. There are so many streets blocked off or closed permanently, as in the case of Washington Avenue, removed in the recent Arch renovations, that it is increasingly difficult to impossible to even reach the riverfront. But it is worth it to see the Eads Bridge and…

Eads Bridge, September 2018

The water in the Mississippi River was high when I took this picture, and the parking lot on the Levee was completely submerged.

Busch Stadium and the Architectural Legacy of St. Louis

I was going to do this post about two years ago, but then I completely forgot. I thought to commemorate the Cardinals’ eleventh World Series victory, I would look at the third Busch Stadium and how it borrows and celebrates earlier architectural monuments in St. Louis. First, and perhaps the most obvious, is the Eads…

The Eads Bridge

Updated in September 2018 with rearranged photos and additional commentary. The Eads Bridge is my favorite bridge across the Mississippi River in downtown, though the MacArthur is a close second. The oldest bridge across the river at St. Louis, it utilized structural steel on a massive scale for the first time. Interestingly, though, there is…

Eads Bridge 135 Years Old Today

Update: The new bridge opened in February of 2014. The links that previously appeared in this article are now dead. The Post-Dispatch reports on the anniversary of the Eads Bridge. As talk continues for a new Mississippi Bridge, will the forthcoming span be as economically beneficial as the Eads was so many years ago?

When the Levee Breaks

Update: The entire riverfront in front of the Arch was completely renovated and this sign was removed along with much of the concrete work seen in these photos. I love this sign; first of all, it has directions for RV’s and cars, but it’s facing away from anywhere someone in a car could see it….

Eads Bridge Mural

This is the famous mural of the Eads Bridge that is supposed to follow you as you walk by. It’s hard to explain, and the two pictures are supposed to illustrate it.