North Third Street, Laclede’s Landing

What’s there to say about what’s left of North Third Street in Laclede’s Landing? First of all, to exit the parking lot, which is currently the only way to get out of the neighborhood and onto Third Street on the south side, you have to walk out into traffic lanes because there is a fence…

North Second Street, West Side, Laclede’s Landing

Starting way up by the casino, there is this large rock sitting here. I have no idea what it is doing. Below, I thought it was a smart idea to put a dog park under the western approaches of the MLK Bridge since in general modern engineers do not like buildings constructed under spans anymore….

North Second Street, East Side, Laclede’s Landing

We’ll first look at the east side of North Second Street, heading north. The two buildings on the right are the Greeley and Cutlery buildings, respectively. Back in 1980, the two buildings were shabby, looked abandoned, and the Cutlery Building was still sporting a fire escape like something you would see in the Lower East…

Clamorgan Alley, Laclede’s Landing

Clamorgan Alley is not the historic name for this alley, which cuts between the 700 blocks of North First and Second streets. But it received that name because Jacques Clamorgan once owned this land, and in a famous court case, after giving the land to his slave, Esther, in an effort to avoid creditors (something…

North First Street, Laclede’s Landing

We come up the steep incline and reach North First Street, where the above photograph captures the street in 1968, right before the grand plans for redevelopment had begun. Interestingly, old fashioned street lights had already appeared. Below, on the southwest corner, a plaza that appears to still be incomplete replaced the vacant lot where…

Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard, Laclede’s Landing

Not much is happening down along the Levee anymore. There are so many streets blocked off or closed permanently, as in the case of Washington Avenue, removed in the recent Arch renovations, that it is increasingly difficult to impossible to even reach the riverfront. But it is worth it to see the Eads Bridge and…

An In Depth Look at Laclede’s Landing, Fall 2022

Laclede’s Landing has been in the news a lot lately, and while I’m not going to wade into the controversy that’s been going on concerning crime, homelessness and whatnot, I thought it was time for me to revisit what is perhaps one of the best known neighborhoods in the region. When reviewing old posts, I…

4,000th Post

3,999 posts ago, I started this website, back in May of 2007 (the twelfth anniversary is coming up in a couple of months), and while technically a few posts have been deleted for various reasons due to redundancy, or whatnot, I thought it might be interesting to check in on what has happened to the…

Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Bridge

Update: See what lies under the Illinois approaches in this post from July 2019. To commemorate the bridge’s closure for repairs in the fall of 2018, I thought I would photograph the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Bridge, which has the distinction of being the first bridge built at St. Louis strictly for automobile traffic?…