Marillac College, Original Buildings

The original charter house for the Daughters of Charity. Built in a stout Gothic Revival style, it still houses functions for the University of Missouri.

Library, Old Marillac College

Like a giant spaceship, the library building has a slender base and a flared roof. Most likely to let in light but not direct sunlight to protect the books, the building cuts an sleek profile.

Marillac College

The now-defunct Marillac College for Women trained young women to become nuns and other religious vocations. I would imagine this was the main administration building for the college, which is graceful in its pure, simple design. The whole campus is now part of the University of Missouri, St. Louis.

Interior, Franciscan Monastery, Marillac College

The interior chapel space is lit by the dramatic stained glass window in the apse, which reveals what could only be seen in passing on the exterior. It’s an interesting space, with the two pictures here showing the space with the lights on and off.

Former Chapel, Marillac College

Now on the South Campus of UMSL, this performing arts space right on Natural Bridge Road is a unique building, with an apparent interest in the stained glass creator in moving the design outside from the inside. Above, you can see the design in blue, red and yellow of a large, resurrected Christ (I think)….