Around Saint Louis University Hospital

The heights around the intersection of Chouteau and Grand have long been the location of healing institutions going back over one hundred years. The Bethesda Hospital group still exists, and this was actually its second location. It was located right around here just west of Grand on Vista. The landscape has definitely changed, with the…

Former Loretto Hall

The Sisters of Loretto have a long history in St. Louis. A previous location was down on Jefferson and Pine on land donated Anne Lucas Hunt in 1869 with the building completed in 1874. Later they moved out to the northwest corner of Lafayette and Louisiana avenues into what looks like a large mansion already…

More Change East of Saint Louis University Hospital

I had looked at the quiet streets east of SLU Hospital and had been pleasantly surprised at the development that had been going on back in February of 2021. Spurred by a recent visit by Mark Groth over at St. Louis City Talk, I thought I would go back myself this last weekend. I was…

Lafayette Avenue Between Michigan and Louisiana Avenues, South Side

I looked at the north side of Lafayette Avenue way back in June of 2018, remarking on how this thoroughfare was surely far more important before the devastation of the interstates. There’s been substantial reinvestment and rebuilding just in the last thirteen years I’ve lived to the south in Tower Grove East, and the light…

East of Saint Louis University Hospital, In Transition

Update: I revisited the area in the fall of 2022. I was worried about the blocks east of Grand Boulevard and the SLU medical campus that I include in the Tiffany neighborhood, but is really part of the greater Compton Hill area, a richly historic African American community. SLU had been buying up huge swaths…

Former Harris Teachers College

Normal schools, where teachers were trained to teach in primary school education, were located throughout the State of Missouri. My own alma mater, Truman State, was long a teachers college. Harris Teachers College, built according to plans by William B. Ittner in 1905, was the location of the white teachers’ college in St. Louis. The…

Wyman Elementary School

Designed by William B. Ittner and built in 1901, Wyman Elementary School sits on a quiet dead end block of Theresa Avenue south of Park Avenue, just east of Grand Boulevard and Gallaudet School. Despite the installation of some extremely ugly front doors, the building is in good shape and still functions as a part…

Old United Railways Barn

Still standing, and with nothing happening on the property behind it, the remnants of the old streetcar repair barn sits, forgotten.

Tracks Around 39th Street

There used to be a huge streetcar depot around 39th Street. It’s all mostly demolished now, but tracks still survive. Also, due to the advanced state of dilapidation and my ignorance of the difference between railroad and streetcar trackage, there might be different types in this area. It is sad to think that there was…