Ionic Order

There’s been an exciting new advance in McMansion architecture: the appearance of the Ionic Order in Post-Modernism. Perhaps in twenty years the Corinthian Order will appear, and in another forty the Composite will be reinvented. Senior citizens interested in attending my lecture at OASIS about influential architects who have left their marks on  St. Louis…

The Mysterious McMansion

There was a perfectly fine Colonial Revival house on this property, which is a valuable parcel of land that includes land for horses and a large stable. The house has been under construction now for quite a while, and building seems to come in stops and starts.


Meadowbrook Country Club is part golf course, and part subdivision, which wraps itself around the greens. There are some interesting Modernist houses mixed in among later houses. The properties seem to have developed over the course of several decades. Houses are being demolished now for new in-fill houses. There are several others marked for demolition…

Centaur, Revisited

Update: The house above is now complete, and urban sprawl did not come to Centaur. I made it back out to the hamlet of Centaur, which is now being swallowed up by suburban development. It’s slow, I should say, as this McMansion has been under construction now for years, and seems abandoned. I finally figured…

Dead Subdivision

Update: I revisited this subdivision in 2015. Many of the homeowners have now bought adjacent vacant lots and expanded their yards. Where do subdivisions go when they die? Or more accurately, where do subdivisions go that never get off the ground in the first place? Only two houses were built in this subdivision, off of…

Signal Hills Lane

I stumbled upon this great street of modernist houses in the Meramec Highlands area of Kirkwood, a stone’s throw away from I-270. They are all unique, but I captured two of the more interesting ones. I love the use of stone in this house to give the impression of a mesa or rocky outcropping on…

College Hill, Part 1

Update: The Grand Water was repainted in the summer of 2020. College Hill is north of the Grand Water Tower, and south of O’Fallon Park. It is an area shrouded in mystery, and cloaked in a severe amount of desolation. I don’t think I saw maybe six people as we drove through this neighborhood two…