Zion Lutheran Church, Revisited

I could have sworn I’ve photographed this church more than the couple of images from years ago, but nonetheless I was drawn back to Zion Lutheran, right on St. Louis Place Park, after visiting the cemetery up the Rock Road.

I realized most of my photos are vertical, which is only appropriate for a Gothic Revival structure, where the lines draw the eyes upward.

Interestingly, despite being a German Evangelisch Lutheran church, it is more Late English Gothic in style.

As with many buildings throughout the city, less expensive materials are used on the private sides of the church; there was so much optimism that another large building would be built next door, eventually.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. W. White says:

    Yes, but those steel flying buttresses were not originally part of the inexpensive materials used on side facades. I wonder about the construction history of the church. You can see that all the brickwork above where the lancet windows begin to arch has been rebuilt with the steel anchoring into that rebuilt brickwork. My guess is that at some point, the weight of the roof began pushing out the side wall, which has weak buttressing. The opposite wall would have been unaffected as it is anchored by the tower and cloister/porch. I have seen tie rods used for the same purpose, having the added benefit (but added expense) of not marring the facade with steel trusses.

    1. Chris Naffziger says:

      Indeed. Looks like they probably should have sprung for the cut stone all the way around!

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