Cementland, April 2023

Cementland, for those who haven’t heard, has been sold to a barge and commodities company, and judging from recent satellite images, much of the structures built on the property have been cleared. I went by on a recent Saturday and there is a new gate on the front entrance, and evidence of earth having been…

Merchants Bridge, Under Reconstruction, Part Three

Without much fanfare, they have completed the third, westernmost and final truss span of the Merchants’ Bridge north of downtown. The bridge piers remain, encased and strengthened with massive amounts of reinforced concrete. The old Merchants’ Bridge, the second oldest span in St. Louis, is now a memory. I looked at the first and second…

Two Events Coming Up Soon

I would like to invite my readers to two wonderful events coming up this weekend and the first weekend of October. Imagine yourself trapped between two hostile forces during the Civil War in Missouri. Caught in this huge conflict the enslaved Archer Alexander would earn his freedom, because of his brave act at the Peruque Creek bridge…

Merchants Bridge, Under Reconstruction, Part Two

Update: The new bridge is now complete. I figured it was about time to get back out to the McKinley Bridge to survey the progress of reconstruction of the Merchants Bridge. Back in October of 2021, only the furthest east of the three trusses had been replaced, so I figured they were probably fairly far…

Merchants Bridge, Under Reconstruction

Update: See the replacement of the middle span from August of 2022. The new bridge is now complete. The venerable Merchants Bridge, which was built in 1890 and is the second oldest crossing at St. Louis, is being replaced by a new span which is using portions of the original. The original granite bridge piers,…

North Broadway, Near and Far North Riverfront, Summer 2019

North Broadway never ceases to fascinate me. As usual, I refer to it as a street, and also an area. For example, the above and following two photos are on or around Holly Avenue. The image of east of Broadway, if you have one, is usually one of warehouses, factories, or sadly, abandonment. It is…

Horses, Far North Riverfront

The Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing celebration a couple of weeks ago included some horses, which waited patiently on the banks of the Mississippi.

Grain Elevators and Railroad Tracks

The riverfront in St. Louis is still very much an active and bustling industrial area. Grain trucks rumble by, and trains cross the area on bridges and tracks. Corn kernals line the gutters, as the cargo of trucks spills on its way to the grain elevator.

Merchants’ Bridge

Update: The bridge is being replaced with new trusses and renovated piers. See the bridge two-thirds of the way through reconstruction, and see the new bridge complete. The Merchants’ Bridge emerges from the undergrowth on the Far North Riverfront. It is a very old bridge, built only slightly more than a decade after the much…