Fayette and Upper Iowa University, Revisited

We returned to Fayette, which I looked at back in the fall of 2018. This time, the weather was sunny, and I was able to catch a more cheerful view of the town.

I actually photographed this Queen Anne beauty below, which is now an AirBnB where my family stayed during our time in the area. I captured the house back in 2018.

While the light blue color is nice, originally the shingles would have been painted in bright varied tones.

I also saw this house again, below, near Upper Iowa University.

The university itself sits on a prominent location on the east side of town, and was founded in 1857, only eleven years after Iowa statehood.

Alexander-Dickman Hall, which was completed the year the college opened, is one of the oldest academic buildings that I know of in the Midwest. Not surprisingly, it is also known as “Old Main,”

The cupola was renovated, and I strongly suspect simplified, in the mid-Twentieth Century.

Atop the cupola is a statue of a Roman goddess, who I suspect is either Minerva or possibly Columbia. Official

To the south, is the David B. Henderson Library, a simple Beaux-Arts tan brick structure built with money donated by Andrew Carnegie in honor his friend, a congressman from Dubuque.

There has obviously been some renovation of the library, as well, as the windows are not original.

And a statue of Henderson, with a quote behind him, now replaces the front entrance. There has long been a trend in the late Twentieth Century to close the original entrance of public buildings, slap an asymmetrical addition off one side, and install the “main entrance” via that wing.

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