Gravois Avenue Between Gertrude Avenue and Duke Street, Bevo

Continuing on past the large house at the corner of Gertrude Avenue, we see more of the intact street wall along Gravois Avenue.

Brightly colored storefronts and restaurants opened by Bosnian immigrants begin to appear, showing how the neighborhood was redeveloped starting in the 1990s.

Then we reach Eichelberger Avenue, which is actually a relatively important street but is more of a sidestreet at this point.

Unlike in some neighborhoods, luckily houses were not demolished for parking lots immediately behind the businesses lining the commercial strip.

It’s also interesting to see how a building such as the one below change over the last century, first losing its cornice and then receiving a bright repainting of a covering of the large plate glass windows that probably originally lined the first floor.

While many storefronts are open, there are still many that are vacant, which is a common problem throughout St. Louis.

And below, there are still reminders of late Twentieth Century businesses that once filled these spaces, such as the storefront on the left.

But there’s even what looks to be new construction, or least a new façade put on the storefront below.

And the various Bosnian and other immigrant butcher shops are famous.

This very cool sidewalk clock belongs to a used appliance store.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Joe says:

    That building on the corner of Gravois and Eichelberger used to be a bar called OTC. On the corner. I used to worker there. It was also called Frank and Sugar and also Shot Heaven. Then turned into a Cat Cafe.

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